I Gave Up Giving Up On Myself!
By: Aleiah M.
My family has always instilled in each other the importance of self strength. I will say hearing the lessons and actually putting those teachings to work are two completely different things. My college years have supplied me with countless lessons and opportunities to really put my self strength and faith to the test. Many times I would chose the easier option which would in turn result in me cheating myself. I told myself enough of that. I gave up giving up on myself!
This year has taught me a lot about myself and I am embracing every hard, truthful lesson. For those that are currently experiencing hard times (and even those people that are not) I encourage you all to chose yourself every time you're faced with an opportunity to do so. Don't cheat yourself no matter how hard the decision is!!!
Embrace and learn from all of the hard lessons because that's what molds you to be the best you! Never give up on yourself, instead give up giving up on yourself!!