13 Years of LIVIN' LIFE
13 years ago I started LIVIN' LIFE® with over 100 t-shirts I packed in the trunk of my car.
I had no idea what would happen, it was truly an act of faith.
I have encountered numerous setbacks, made countless mistakes and learned a whole lot of lessons.
As with most things in life, this journey has been filled with ups and downs.
In an age where technology can have us focusing on followers, views and likes: its easy to feel more connected but less personal.
I try not to loose focus on what LIVIN' LIFE® is all about: inspiring others to pursue their dreams. I think about each real person who has taken interest in what I’m building. You are the reason I’ve been able to keep creating new products and keep pushing the brand forward.
Thanks for your support! Here’s to another 13 years!
Antonio Vaughn